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Избранное из меню Бригантина

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
In general, the food at this restaurant is praised for its taste, but there are some complaints about the service and portion sizes. The price/quality ratio is considered average by most visitors.
  • - the reviews mention that the steaks used to be exceptional at this restaurant, but they are now similar to other places in town. Still, some customers find them tasty.
  • Hot dishes

    - the selection of hot dishes seems to be limited and could use more variety. However, some customers enjoyed their meat and fish options.
  • - some customers were disappointed with the portion size of ribs, but it's still worth trying if you're a fan of this dish.
  • - the price seems to be higher than usual, but if you're a beer enthusiast, you might want to give it a try.
  • Meat Platter

    - this dish was mentioned in one review, suggesting that it could be a good choice for meat lovers.