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Избранное из меню Хинкальная

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
  • - these dumplings are highly praised by many visitors, with some even describing them as "very tasty." Some guests also recommend trying the fried khinkali.
  • Shashlik

    - this grilled meat dish has received positive reviews from many customers, who describe it as "very tasty" and "tender."
  • - one visitor mentioned that this dish was "very tasty."
  • Lamb liver

    - a customer mentioned that this dish was "very tasty."
  • Fried khinkali with cheese

    - a visitor described these as "simply a wonder."
  • Meat in grape leaves

    - one guest described this dish as "a fairy tale."
  • - a customer mentioned that the restaurant offered "tasty" wine.