
Pizza Forno Меню

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Избранное из меню Pizza Forno

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio for this restaurant is generally rated positively, with most customers finding the prices reasonable for the quality of the food. However, some customers found the prices a bit steep.
  • Four Cheese Pizza

    - the pizza is highly praised for its delicious taste, with fresh ingredients and a combination of flavors at the highest level. The dough is thin and crispy, which is ideal.
  • Pizza with Pepperoni and Parma

    - while some reviews found this pizza to be distasteful, it seems to be a popular choice among customers.
  • - this pizza was criticized for having hard and bland dough.
  • Creamy Pizza

    - described as one of the tastiest pizzas ever tried by a customer.
  • Carne Pizza

    - this meat pizza received mixed reviews, with some finding the tomato sauce too acidic and simple, and the salami very salty.
  • Sea and Mountains Pizza

    - this pizza had cold grated Parmesan and raw salmon, which was not appreciated by a customer.
  • Four Seasons Pizza

    - this pizza was described as ordinary.
  • Pizza with Parma Ham

    - this pizza was part of a great dinner experience for a customer.
  • Lida Beer and Kvass

    - these drinks were noted as being good.
  • Light Cloud Cocktail

    - this drink was described as interesting.
  • - these drinks were noted as not bad.
  • Regular Coca Cola

    - available at the restaurant.