Caffe Progresso Меню

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Избранное из меню Caffe Progresso

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio was generally seen as adequate by visitors. Customers mentioned reasonable prices and decent portion sizes, although several complained about the quality of some dishes.
  • Cream of Mushroom Soup

    - the soup is said to be delicious and is recommended for its rich flavor.
  • - a decent option, as one reviewer mentioned that their sandwich was satisfactory.
  • - this dish received an average rating. It might be worth trying if you enjoy salads.
  • Sushi/Rolls

    - several reviewers praised the sushi and rolls at this restaurant. They are described as delicious and fresh.
  • Juicy Burgers

    - these are recommended by a customer who also enjoyed the sushi/rolls.
  • - although some customers complained about the quality of breakfasts, others found them tasty and well-priced. The breakfast menu includes porridge, eggs with various additions, and cheese pancakes which are highly recommended by one reviewer.
  • Cheese Sticks with Cranberry Sauce

    - these are described as the most delicious in town.
  • - one reviewer praised these dishes, especially the rolls, calling them the best in town.
  • - the coffee received mixed reviews. Some customers found it average or over-roasted, while others praised it as consistently good.
  • - one customer complained about the latte having more cream than coffee.
  • Berry Drink (Mors)

    - there were complaints about the restaurant not clarifying the flavor of this drink.