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Избранное из меню Шерлок кофе холл

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
Price/Quality: The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is mixed. Some reviewers found the prices to be standard or excellent for the quality of food and drinks provided. However, others thought the prices were high for the quality and quantity of the dishes. The average check per person is around 1000 RUB.
  • - many reviewers praised the coffee, mentioning its great taste and variety. However, some found it too sweet or served cold.
  • Desserts

    - the restaurant has a wide selection of desserts that many customers enjoyed. Specific mentions include the Basque cheesecake and waffles.
  • Kish

    - several reviewers enjoyed the kish, describing it as tasty.
  • English breakfast

    - one user recommended the English breakfast, describing it as very good.
  • "The Last Business of Holmes" coffee

    - a unique drink that one reviewer suggested trying.
  • Chocolate porridge

    - a reviewer recommended this dish for breakfast, describing it as delicious.
  • - some reviewers praised the cheesecake, describing it as good.
  • - the restaurant offers a variety of teas that some customers enjoyed.