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Избранное из меню Шаверма на подкове

The menu items below highlight top-rated and popular dishes based on real customer reviews for reference only, and may not accurately reflect the current restaurant offerings.
The price/quality ratio at this restaurant is rated positively by the majority of users, with many commenting on the pleasant prices, excellent service, and high-quality food.
  • - several reviews highlight this as the best dish in the restaurant, with many users praising the taste of the meat and its overall quality. Some users also complimented the variety of shawarma available.
  • - this was mentioned by a user as a delightful discovery, with them now ordering it regularly.
  • - these were briefly mentioned alongside shawarma as delicious takeaway options.
  • Berlin Kebab

    - recommended by a user for those who want a change from shawarma.
  • Classic Pizza

    - one user praised the pizza, but did not provide further details.
  • Cheese Shawarma

    - this specific type of shawarma was singled out by a user as being particularly enjoyable.
  • - a user specifically recommended this, indicating that it is tasty, quick, and of good quality.
  • Mushroom Shawarma

    - this was highlighted by one user as being very juicy and filled with plenty of stuffing.